Monday, May 21, 2012

The 2012 Chesapeake Jubilee KCBS Barbecue Competition

KCBS Representative Al Bowen in
front of the Judge's Tent
It was a beautiful day this past Saturday, May 19, 2012 in Chesapeake, VA at the annual Chesapeake Jubilee KCBS sanctioned barbecue competition. Twenty six teams fired up their smokers and barbecued chicken, pork ribs, pork butt, and brisket to compete for the $14,000.00 prize money.

I was a table captain and also served double duty as a judge. We had some great barbecue at our table. Judging a barbecue competition isn't really about eating delicious barbecue. Yes, that's a part of it, but it's really a very serious task. Teams travel hundreds of miles, spend literally thousands of  dollars, and spend hours and hours perfecting their craft. As a judge at the events, it must be a most serious and carefully executed job. The teams did their very best to cook the best barbecue they possibly could. The judges have a responsibility to do their very best to professionally judge the barbecue entries.

A big congratulations goes out to Tarheel Smokers for winning the Grand Champion and to Belmont House of Smoke for winning Reserve Grand Champion!

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