Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Goat's Revenge


Excerpted from The New York Times, August 25, 1884.

The greatest barbecue that has taken place in Georgia since the war was enjoyed by citizens of DeKalb County yesterday at Clarkston. It had an ending, however, that was anything but romantic.
Several weeks ago it was arranged that the people should have a holiday... when barbecue scenes of 40 years ago were to be repeated, to show the young people how much of life they had missed by not being older. Late on Friday night the woods on the outskirts of Clarkston presented a weird appearance. The night was intensely dark, and here and there were blazing fires in the background. 
The attendant cooks for the feast of the morrow could be seen placing carcases upon spits, and all night long using long poles, having at the ends swabs of mustard, with which the meats were kept thoroughly saturated. Ten o'clock Saturday found perhaps 5,000 country folks assembled. The smell of fresh woods, the aroma from the spits, the jocular salutations so much recalling Longstreet's Georgia scenes, all conspired to give exhilarating effect to the scene. The orators were also there, at the head of whom was ex-Congressman Milton Chandler. 
The Government was redeemed in flights of eloquence, and hearty cheers showed the approbation of the people. A little distance off were arranged long tables, capable of accommodating 100 persons each. The fragrant meats were arranged, and when the word was given that the feast was ready a rush was made for the best places. 
One table was specially reserved for distinguished guests. The Master of Ceremonies, in calling the eaters to order, drew their attention to one beautifully browned carcase. He narrated that it was none other than the famous billy goat so familiar to all who have ever visited Stone Mountain. Twelve years ago, as a goat of mature judgement, the animal had appeared on the mountain. For eight years he jumped from crag to crag and won a State reputation. Growing older he took up his residence in Clarkston, where for four years he butted his way. 
A citizen shot at a mad dog on Friday. He missed the dog but fatally struck the renowned goat; hence the goat's appearance on the table as the chief dish. It was not long before the whole party was discussing the delicacy of the old goat's flesh. In less than half an hour after dinner, different persons who had sat at that particular table felt symptoms of uneasiness. The symptoms grew worse, and soon as many as 50 victims were lying around under trees, sorry spectacles of holiday enjoyment. Several doctors who were present were kept busy with their pill boxes. It is safe to say that a goat will never again reign as chief carcase in a DeKalb barbecue.

Monday, August 6, 2012

BBQ Pitmasters Season 4 is Accepting Applications for Competitors until Aug 22, 2012

Destination America’s hit show ”BBQ Pitmasters” is back for another Season! We’re looking for the best and brightest Pitmasters who’ve got the drive to compete and personalities that trump the competition!

Now Casting BBQ Pitmaster Teams of Two who cook, eat and breathe BBQ and are ready to showcase their abilities and prove they’re the BEST!

*Interested applications must live in the State being showcased and cook that specific style of BBQ.
- Texas
- Tennessee - Memphis-Style BBQ
- North Carolina
- Missouri – Kansas City-Style BBQ
- Kentucky
- Georgia


Interested applications should send the following information to and/or

Please make sure to include your team name and region in the subject of your email.
- Names (Must be an existing team of two)
- Contact Info – email, cell phone and address
- Your BBQ Style/Region
- Recent Photos of the team and your food
- Bios – What do you do for a living? How did you get into BBQ? How long have you been competing? What is your pit? What do you cook with? What’re your specialties? Have you won any other competitions in the past? (Please list achievements and dates won)
- Why should your team be chosen to represent your region and compete?
- Any links to your website and/or video footage you have of your team

*Interested applicants are urged to put together a 3-5 minute YouTube video submission for review. Please showcase your personality, your desire to win and your incredible skills in the video.

Prove to us that you have a shot at being and beating the best of the best in your area! Be creative and sell us on why you and your team should be on the show. Email video links and answers to the questions above to

(Don’t worry – we’re not expecting videos of Hollywood production quality, but comedy helps! More than anything – the cooks’ personalities are what matters.)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Andy's Bar-B-Q - Santa Clara, CA

I recently visited San Jose, CA / Silicon Valley and while I was there I decided to check around for local BBQ restaurants. My time was limited because I was working practically non-stop from about 5am to 10pm each night just taking time out for meals. But, I did make it to Andy's Bar-B-Q in Santa Clara.

As I walked around the restaurant to the entrance, out back I found a huge all wood smoker! That is always a good sign. It turns out that Andy's actually cooks BBQ over an all wood fire. So many restaurants have turned to gas cookers nowadays. It's always nice to see a restaurant that hasn't compromised the integrity of their product for convenience.

I ordered a combination platter so that I could sample as much of the BBQ I could in one visit. My server brought out this HUGE plate of 4 large spare ribs, a 3/4 pound sausage, and about 1/2 pound of brisket! There was no way I was going to eat all of that. But, it was fun trying.

The barbecue was pretty good. The sausage was delicious, the ribs tender, and the brisket was juicy.

They served sauce on the side in a little cup. The sauce was slightly sweet with a hint of molasses and some other herb/spice that I couldn't identify. I've tasted that flavor in foods all around California and I still haven't been able to identify it. I should probably ask about it next time I'm out there. They also served smoked garlic bread which, in my experience, is unusual for a BBQ restaurant. Overall, I thought the barbecue was good. It's worth the trip if you are out that way.

Bluemont BBQ Bash 2012, Bluemont, VA

40 teams competed this past July 27-28, 2012 in Bluemont, VA at the 2nd annual Bluemont BBQ Bash. This competition takes place at Bluemont Country Farms surrounded by beautiful hills and green pastures. It's an interesting drive to get there. First, the drive offers some absolutely gorgeous views of the Virginia country side. There are several places on the trip that I always have to stop and take a longer look. The other reason the drive to Bluemont Country Farms is interesting is because of the navigation skills it takes to find the place.

You drive down large multi-lane highways that turn into smaller two lane highways that turn into little country roads that turn in to dirt roads that turn in to dirtier roads as you progress to your destination. But, the drive is worth it. The scenery of the area is spectacular.

The weather was perfect. The skies were clear, the sun was bright and the temperature was relatively comfortable for a July day in Virginia.

Even though we had great weather, the judges were setup in an air conditioned building!

Dan Hixon and team 3Eyz BBQ won grand champion! This team has been on a roll lately! Tuffy Stone and his team Cool Smoke won reserve grand champion.