Monday, August 6, 2012
BBQ Pitmasters Season 4 is Accepting Applications for Competitors until Aug 22, 2012
Destination America’s hit show ”BBQ Pitmasters” is back for another Season! We’re looking for the best and brightest Pitmasters who’ve got the drive to compete and personalities that trump the competition!
Now Casting BBQ Pitmaster Teams of Two who cook, eat and breathe BBQ and are ready to showcase their abilities and prove they’re the BEST!
*Interested applications must live in the State being showcased and cook that specific style of BBQ.
- Texas
- Tennessee - Memphis-Style BBQ
- North Carolina
- Missouri – Kansas City-Style BBQ
- Kentucky
- Georgia
Interested applications should send the following information to and/or
Please make sure to include your team name and region in the subject of your email.
- Names (Must be an existing team of two)
- Contact Info – email, cell phone and address
- Your BBQ Style/Region
- Recent Photos of the team and your food
- Bios – What do you do for a living? How did you get into BBQ? How long have you been competing? What is your pit? What do you cook with? What’re your specialties? Have you won any other competitions in the past? (Please list achievements and dates won)
- Why should your team be chosen to represent your region and compete?
- Any links to your website and/or video footage you have of your team
*Interested applicants are urged to put together a 3-5 minute YouTube video submission for review. Please showcase your personality, your desire to win and your incredible skills in the video.
Prove to us that you have a shot at being and beating the best of the best in your area! Be creative and sell us on why you and your team should be on the show. Email video links and answers to the questions above to
(Don’t worry – we’re not expecting videos of Hollywood production quality, but comedy helps! More than anything – the cooks’ personalities are what matters.)
don't know what your take on this is, but there is a LOT of good from this show and a LOT of bad as well. why would they limit competitors by state? why wouldn't they just look at the national BBQ rankings and pick teams from there? or even top teams from the best sanctioning bodies? lots of people gripe that it has sucked since season 1 (a more contest-based format) and i am one of them. bbq on tv is a good thing, but i got a real love/hate thing going with this show. i still watch, don't get me wrong, but the show has potential to be great and they seem to be not even close to the show's potential. ok, i'm off my soapbox now. =-)