Thursday, April 18, 2013

Old Virginia Barbecue Sauce Recipe - "Shack Sauce"

Old Virginia "Shack" Sauce
Here is a delicious version of an old VA BBQ sauce inspired by a 19th century VA BBQ man named Shack. It has no sugar in it, so sweet sauce fans may want to stay away.

1 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup of your favorite hot sauce (I use Texas Pete)
1 Tablespoon (TBS) Paprika
1 TBS Black Pepper
1 TBS Kitchen Salt
2 TBS Yellow Mustard (French's)

Mix well, let sit in the refrigerator for at least 24 to 48 hours before serving for best results. I blend it in my food processor, that's why it's about 16 ounces total.

By the way, I will be telling Shack's incredible story in my upcoming book about the history of Virginia barbecue. So, stay tuned!


  1. Super excited about your book! Thanks for this sauce recipe, it looks delicious and I'll try it out on my next pork butt.

  2. Thanks, Jeremy, for the kind words! I hope you like the sauce.

